//set this to the number of criteria!!! numberofcriteria = 8; numberofranges = 7; optionrange= new Array(); optionrange[0]="Select option..."; optionrange[1]="100-70 (Excellent"; optionrange[2]="69-60 (Good)"; optionrange[3]="59-50 (Adequate)"; optionrange[4]="49-45 (Bare fail)"; optionrange[5]="44-30 (Clear fail)"; optionrange[6]="29-0 (Bad fail)"; var criteria1 = new Array(); var criteria2 = new Array(); var criteria3 = new Array(); var criteria4 = new Array(); var criteria5 = new Array(); var criteria6 = new Array(); var criteria7 = new Array(); var criteria8 = new Array(); marksavailable1 = 10; criteria1[0] = "1. Introduction outlining the importance of the intervention (brief) "; criteria1[1] = "You have given a clear and logical introduction, containing clear definitions of the problem and intervention, relevant information on the scope of the problem and clear links from the problem to the purpose of the intervention, using up to date references and reliable sources. "; criteria1[2] = "You have provided a good introduction, containing definitions of the problem and intervention, information on the scope of the problem and some links from the problem to the purpose of the intervention, using mainly up to date references and reliable sources. "; criteria1[3] = "The introduction is adequate and contains some definition of the problem and or intervention, some information on the scope of the problem and some links from the problem to the purpose of the intervention, using some up to date references and some reliable sources. "; criteria1[4] = "The introduction is less than adequate, containing few or unclear definitions of the problem and intervention, little or unclear information on the scope of the problem and absent or unclear links from the problem to the purpose of the intervention, with little or no up to date references and reliable sources. "; criteria1[5] = "The introduction is limited, and contains no definition of the problem and intervention, scarce or no information on the scope of the problem and absent or unclear links from the problem to the purpose of the intervention, with little or no up to date references or reliable sources. "; criteria1[6] = "There is little or no introduction, with no definition of the problem and intervention, no information on the scope of the problem and absent links from the problem to the purpose of the intervention, with no up to date references or reliable sources. "; marksavailable2 = 15; criteria2[0] = "2. Description, justification and critical evaluation of the key theoretical approach "; criteria2[1] = "You have provided a clear and logical description of the key theoretical approach, which shows a high degree of insight and understanding of the issues. You have given a sophisticated justification for and critical evaluation of the theoretical approach. "; criteria2[2] = "Your description of the key theoretical approach is largely clear and logical, and demonstrates good understanding of the important issues. You have given insightful justification for and critical evaluation of the theoretical approach. "; criteria2[3] = "The description of the key theoretical approach is adequate, demonstrating an adequate understanding of the important issues, with some gaps or inadequacies. There is adequate justification for and critical evaluation of the theoretical approach. "; criteria2[4] = "The description of the key theoretical approach is less than adequate, demonstrating some gaps in the understanding of the important issues. There is limited justification for and critical evaluation of the theoretical approach. "; criteria2[5] = "There is limited description of the key theoretical approach, with little understanding of important issues demonstrated. There is very limited justification for and critical evaluation of the theoretical approach. "; criteria2[6] = "There is little or no description of the key theoretical approach and little or no understanding of the important issues. There is little or no justification for and critical evaluation of the theoretical approach. "; marksavailable3 = 20; criteria3[0] = "3. Description of intervention, with links made between theory and practice "; criteria3[1] = "Your description of the intervention is clear and logical, showing a high degree of insight and understanding of the issues. You have demonstrated a sophisticated ability to integrate theory and practice concerns, with a clear thread from theoretical approach to intervention. "; criteria3[2] = "Your description of the intervention is largely clear and logical, demonstrating good understanding of the important issues. You have demonstrated insightful ability to integrate theory and practice concerns, with a largely clear thread from theoretical approach to intervention. "; criteria3[3] = "The description of the intervention is adequate, demonstrating an adequate understanding of the important issues with some gaps or inadequacies. You have demonstrated an adequate ability to integrate theory and practice concerns, with adequate links made between theoretical approach and intervention. "; criteria3[4] = "The description of the intervention is less than adequate, demonstrating some gaps in the understanding of the important issues. This work demonstrates limited ability to integrate theory and practice concerns, with few or inadequate links from the theoretical approach to the intervention. "; criteria3[5] = "There is limited description of the intervention, demonstrating poor understanding of the important issues. There is very limited and/or ill-thought-out attempt/s to integrate theory and practice concerns, with limited application of theoretical approach evident in intervention. "; criteria3[6] = "There is little or no description of the intervention, demonstrating little or no understanding of the important issues. This work demonstrates an inability to make meaningful connections between research and practice concerns, with little or no application of theoretical approach evident in intervention. "; marksavailable4 = 15; criteria4[0] = "4. Justification of intervention and aspects of the intervention with reference to relevant research and arguments, including accuracy of references and variety of sources "; criteria4[1] = "You have provided clear and insightful justification of the intervention and aspects of the intervention, and have fully researched and critically reviewed the literature. "; criteria4[2] = "You have given good justification of the intervention and aspects of the intervention, and have researched the literature beyond an acceptable level. "; criteria4[3] = "The justification of the intervention and aspects of the intervention is adequate. The literature has been researched to an acceptable level but not beyond this. "; criteria4[4] = "The justification of the intervention and aspects of the intervention is less than adequate. The literature has been researched, but with significant gaps. "; criteria4[5] = "There is limited justification of the intervention and aspects of the intervention. Some of the literature has been included but important and significant gaps have been left. "; criteria4[6] = "There is little or no justification of the intervention and aspects of the intervention. The literature has not been researched properly. "; marksavailable5 = 10; criteria5[0] = "5. Overall conclusion or summary (brief), consistent with key points and considerations discussed "; criteria5[1] = "You have given an insightful conclusion or summary, entirely consistent with key points and considerations discussed. No new information has been introduced at this point. Your summary of the argument is insightful and accurate, with a position statement consistent with the argument. The implications are entirely consistent with the argument and position. "; criteria5[2] = "You have given a good conclusion or summary, mainly consistent with key points and considerations discussed. No new information has been introduced at this point. Your summary of the argument is accurate, with a position statement consistent with the argument. The implications are consistent with the argument and position. "; criteria5[3] = "Your conclusion or summary of the key points and considerations discussed is adequate. No new information has been introduced at this point. Your summary of the argument is adequate, with a position statement that is generally consistent with the argument. Implications have been considered. "; criteria5[4] = "The conclusion or summary is less than adequate, not entirely consistent with the key points and considerations discussed, and a poor reflection of the argument. New information and or arguments have been presented. summary of the The summary of the argument is less than adequate, with a position statement that is not generally consistent with the argument. There is no consideration of implications. "; criteria5[5] = "The conclusion or summary is limited, inconsistent with key points and considerations discussed. New information and or arguments have presented. There is limited summary of the argument, with a position statement that is not consistent with the argument or no position statement given. There is no consideration of implications. "; criteria5[6] = "There is little or no conclusion or summary with little or no reference to key points and considerations discussed, and or new information or arguments have been presented. The summary of the argument is extremely limited or entirely absent, with a position statement that is wholly inconsistent with the argument or no position statement and no consideration of implications. "; marksavailable6 = 10; criteria6[0] = "6. Academic writing, including clear and logical thread of argument, Scientific writing, Spelling, punctuation and grammar "; criteria6[1] = "There is a clear and logical thread of argument, which is easy to follow. Writing follows the scientific, academic style, with exemplary phrasing and choice of words, and no colloquial language. There are no errors of spelling, punctuation or grammar. The language is of publishable standard. "; criteria6[2] = "There is a generally clear and logical thread of argument. The writing is mainly scientific and academic in style, with appropriate phrasing and choice of words, and little or no colloquial language. There are one or two or no errors of spelling, punctuation and or grammar. "; criteria6[3] = "The thread of argument is logical enough to follow. Writing generally follows the scientific and academic style, with generally appropriate phrasing and choice of words, and little colloquial language. There are a few errors of spelling, punctuation and or grammar. "; criteria6[4] = "The thread of argument is unclear and not entirely logical. The writing is often not scientific and academic in style, with less appropriate phrasing and choice of words, and some colloquial language. There are a number of errors of spelling, punctuation and or grammar. "; criteria6[5] = "The thread of argument is unclear, not logical and difficult to follow. This work has not been written in a scientific and academic style, with often inappropriate phrasing and choice of words and much colloquial language. There are many errors of spelling, punctuation and or grammar. "; criteria6[6] = "There is little thread of argument with disconnected or unrelated points, which is very difficult to follow. The writing is not scientific and academic in style, with inappropriate phrasing and choice of words and mainly colloquial language. Errors of spelling, punctuation and or grammar make the work difficult to read. "; marksavailable7 = 10; criteria7[0] = "7. Reference to relevant research and arguments "; criteria7[1] = "You have fully researched and critically reviewed the literature. Your references are highly relevant to the point being made, highly credible (up to date and from appropriate sources), correctly referenced and cited with correct formatting, of sufficient number and variety, provide sufficient support for the statements made and are used entirely appropriately throughout. Your use of source material is up to the referencing standard of a published paper. " criteria7[2] = "You have researched the literature beyond the literature provided in the classroom (including online). Your references are relevant to the point being made, credible (up to date and from appropriate sources), mainly correctly referenced and cited with mainly correct formatting, of sufficient number and variety, provide generally good support for the statements made and are used appropriately throughout. " criteria7[3] = "The literature has been researched to the level of the literature provided in the classroom (including online) but not beyond this. The references given are adequate for the point being made, and generally credible (mostly up to date and from appropriate sources), but with a few errors of formatting in reference lists and citations, of adequate number and, provide adequate support for the statements made and are used generally appropriately throughout. " criteria7[4] = "The literature has been researched but significant gaps have been left. The references provided are less than adequate for the point being made, not completely credible (many are not up to date and or from inappropriate sources), with some errors of formatting in reference lists and citations, of insufficient number and variety, provide less than adequate support for the statements made and are generally not used appropriately throughout. " criteria7[5] = "Some of the literature has been included, but with important and significant gaps. There is limited use of references throughout. References not adequate for the point being made, not credible (not up to date and or from inappropriate sources), there are significant errors of formatting in reference lists and citations, references are of insufficient number and provide limited support for the statements made. " criteria7[6] = "The literature has not been researched properly. There is extremely limited use of references throughout, or no references used. References have either not been used or are inappropriate for the point being made, not credible (not up to date and or from inappropriate sources), there are significant errors of formatting in reference lists and citations or missing reference list or references or citations, sparse or absent from the poster and provide little or no support for the statements made. " marksavailable8 = 10; criteria8[0] = "8. Using the poster format to clearly display information "; criteria8[1] = "You have made excellent use of the poster format to display information Your poster is visually interesting, with excellent variation in format, easy to read text and is easy to follow. "; criteria8[2] = "You have made good use of the poster format to display information. Your poster is largely visually interesting, with good variation in format, mainly easy to read text and is generally easy to follow. "; criteria8[3] = "You have made adequate use of the poster format to display information. The poster is visually adequate, with some variation in format. The text could be easier to read, and the poster could be easier to follow as a whole; some aspects are unclear. "; criteria8[4] = "Less than adequate use has been made of the poster format to display information. The poster is somewhat lacking in visual interest, with limited variation in format. The text is not easy to read or easy to follow. "; criteria8[5] = "Limited use has been made of the poster format to display information. The poster is lacking in visual interest, with little or no variation in format, and it is not easy to read or follow. "; criteria8[6] = "Little use has been made of the poster format to display information – the format used is not appropriate for a poster. The poster is lacking in visual interest, with little or no variation in format, and is difficult to read and follow. "; //Scores..//////////////////////////////////////////////////// var myscore1 = new Array(); var myscore2 = new Array(); var myscore3 = new Array(); var myscore4 = new Array(); var myscore5 = new Array(); var myscore6 = new Array(); var myscore7 = new Array(); var myscore8 = new Array(); myscore1[0]= "" myscore1[1] = 85; myscore1[2] = 65; myscore1[3] = 55; myscore1[4] = 47; myscore1[5] = 37; myscore1[6] = 15; myscore2[0]= "" myscore2[1] = 85; myscore2[2] = 65; myscore2[3] = 55; myscore2[4] = 47; myscore2[5] = 37; myscore2[6] = 15; myscore3[0]= "" myscore3[1] = 85; myscore3[2] = 65; myscore3[3] = 55; myscore3[4] = 47; myscore3[5] = 37; myscore3[6] = 15; myscore4[0]= "" myscore4[1] = 85; myscore4[2] = 65; myscore4[3] = 55; myscore4[4] = 47; myscore4[5] = 37; myscore4[6] = 15; myscore5[0]= "" myscore5[1] = 85; myscore5[2] = 65; myscore5[3] = 55; myscore5[4] = 47; myscore5[5] = 37; myscore5[6] = 15; myscore6[0]= "" myscore6[1] = 85; myscore6[2] = 65; myscore6[3] = 55; myscore6[4] = 47; myscore6[5] = 37; myscore6[6] = 15; myscore7[0]= "" myscore7[1] = 85; myscore7[2] = 65; myscore7[3] = 55; myscore7[4] = 47; myscore7[5] = 37; myscore7[6] = 15; myscore8[0]= "" myscore8[1] = 85; myscore8[2] = 65; myscore8[3] = 55; myscore8[4] = 47; myscore8[5] = 37; myscore8[6] = 15;